The Department of Finance and Business Economics takes great pride in the high quality of instruction provided by its faculty across all programs in the Foster School of Business.
Finance and Business Economics is routinely at or near the top in student demand for courses, and the teaching talent of our faculty is further evidenced and recognized by important awards within the Foster Business School.
PACCAR Award for Teaching Excellence
Among the school’s highest honors, the PACCAR Award for Teaching Excellence was established in 1998 by PACCAR Inc., the Fortune 200 global technology company based in Bellevue, Washington. The PACCAR Award’s annual recipient is selected by a panel of Foster MBA students.
Faculty in the Department of Finance and Business Economics were the recipients of this award, open to all faculty within the Foster Business School teaching at the MBA level, about half the time it was awarded since its founding.
Charles E. Summer Memorial Teaching Award
This prestigious award is named after Foster Business School legend, Charles E. Summer, who was a pioneer in management education and instrumental in developing one of the nation’s best doctoral programs here. This award continues to honor the qualities of committed mentorship, high standards, and personal integrity which defined Professor Summer as a Teacher and Scholar.
The Charles E. Summer Memorial Teaching Award is given to professors whom graduate students believe exemplify these attributes. Since 1998, about two-thirds of the winners have been members of the Department of Finance and Business Economics.
Faculty Editorial Positions in Research Journals
Faculty in the Department of Finance and Business Economics have editorial appointments at top finance area journals:
Associate Editor
Jonathan Karpoff
Associate Editors
Jarrad Harford, Jonathan Karpoff
Jarrad Harford, Stephan Siegel
Associate Editor
Jonathan Karpoff
Associate Editor
Stephan Siegel
Associate Editor
Yang Song
Associate Editor
Doron Levit