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Selected Publications

Kevin K. Boeh
Philip Bond
Felix Zhiyu Feng
Thomas Gilbert
Debra Glassman
German Gutierrez
Jarrad Harford
Alan Hess
Christopher Hrdlicka
Avraham Kamara
Jonathan M. Karpoff
Jennifer Koski
Lukas Kremens
Alexis León
Doron Levit
Ye Li
Paul Malatesta
Monica Marin
Jordan Nickerson
Edward Rice
Lawrence Schall
Andrew Siegel
Stephan Siegel
Yang Song
Léa Stern
Mark Westerfield
Lance Young

Kevin K. Boeh

  1. Raising capital after IPO withdrawal"

    Boeh, K.K., & Dunbar D.,, (2021). Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol August 69(102020.).
  2. IPO regulators gone wild"

    Boeh, K. K., & Dunbar, C., (2018). D. D. Cumming & S.A. Johan (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of IPOs.
  3. Deal flow and the pricing of IPOs"

    Boeh, K. K., & Dunbar, C., (2016). Journal of Financial Economics, pp. 383-399.
  4. The cost of distance on subsidiary performance"

    Boeh, K. K., & Beamish, P.W., (2015). Asian Business & Management, pp. 171-193.
  5. IPO waves and the issuance process"

    Boeh, K. K., & Dunbar, C., (2014). Journal of Corporate Finance, pp. 455-473.
  6. Travel time and the liability of distance in foreign direct investment: Location choice and entry mode"

    Boeh, K. K., & Beamish, P.W., (2012). Journal of International Business Studies, pp. 525-535.
  7. Connecting flights: the time sink that kills profits"

    Boeh, K. K., & Beamish, P.W., (2011). Harvard Business Review, pp. 30.
  8. Contracting costs and information asymmetry reduction in cross-border M&A"

    Boeh, K. K., (2011). Journal of Management Studies, pp. 568-590.
  9. Impact of initial public offering coalition of on deal completion"

    Boeh, K. K., & Southam, C., (2011). Venture Capital, pp. 313-336.
  10. Mergers & acquisitions: Text & cases"

    Boeh, K. K., & Beamish, P.W., (2007).

Philip Bond

  1. The Equilibrium Consequences of Indexing"

    Bond, P., Garcia, D., (2022). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 35(7), pp. 3175-3230.
  2. Silence is Safest: Non-disclosure when the Audience’s Preferences are Uncertain"

    Bond, P., Zeng, Y., (2022). The Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 145(1), pp. 178-193.
  3. Failing to Forecast Rare Events"

    Bond, P., Dow, J., (2021). The Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 142(3), pp. 1001-1016.
  4. Commitment Contracts"

    Bond, P., & Sigurdsson, G., (2018). Review of Economic Studies, Vol 85(1), pp. 194-222.
  5. Does Junior Inherit? Refinancing and the Blocking Power of Second Mortgages"

    Bond, P., Elul, R., Garyn-Tal, S. & Musto, D., (2017). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 30(1), pp. 211-244.
  6. Buying High and Selling Low: Stock Repurchases and Persistent Asymmetric Information"

    Bond, P. & Zhong, H., (2016). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 29(6), pp. 1409-1452.
  7. Government Intervention and Information Aggregation by Prices"

    Bond, P., & Goldstein, I., (2015). Journal of Finance, Vol 70(6), pp. 2777-2812.
  8. Market Run-Ups, Market Freezes, Inventories, and Leverage"

    Bond, P., & Leitner, Y., (2015). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 115(1), pp. 155-167.
  9. Wall Street Occupations: An Equilibrium Theory of Overpaid Jobs"

    Axelson, U., & Bond, P., (2015). Journal of Finance, Vol 70(5), pp. 1949-1996.

    • Brattle Group Prize distinguished paper
  10. The Labor Market for Bankers and Regulators"

    Bond, P., & Glode, V., (2014). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 27(9), pp. 2539-2579.
  11. The Real Effects of Financial Markets"

    Bond, P., Edmans, A., & Goldstein, I., (2012). Annual Review of Financial Economics, pp. 339-360.
  12. Information-based Trade"

    Bond, P., & Eraslan, H., (2010). Journal of Economic Theory, Vol 145(5), pp. 1675-1703.
  13. Market-based Corrective Actions"

    Bond, P., Goldstein, I., & Prescott, E., (2010). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 23(2), pp. 781-820.
  14. Preventing Crime Waves"

    Bond, P., & Hagerty, K., (2010). American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol 2(3), pp. 138-159.
  15. Strategic Voting over Strategic Proposals"

    Bond, P., & Eraslan, H., (2010). Review of Economic Studies, Vol 77(2), pp. 459-490.
  16. Multitask Principal-Agent Problems: Optimal Contracts, Fragility, and Effort Misallocation"

    Bond, P., & Gomes, A., (2009). Journal of Economic Theory, Vol 144(1), pp. 175-211.
  17. Predatory Mortgage Lending"

    Bond, P., Musto, D., & Yilmaz, B., (2009). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 94(3), pp. 412-427.
  18. Bank and Nonbank Financial Intermediation"

    Bond, P., (2004). The Journal of Finance, Vol 59(6), pp. 2489-2529.
  19. Regulating Exclusion from Financial Markets"

    Bond, P., & Krishnamurthy, A., (2004). Review of Economic Studies, Vol 71(3), pp. 681-707.

Felix Zhiyu Feng

  1. Ignorance Is Bliss: The Screening Effect of (Noisy) Information"

    Feng, F.Z., Wang, W., Wu, Y., and Zhang, G., (forthcoming). The Accounting Review.
  2. In Search of A Unicorn"

    Feng, F.Z., Luo, Y., and Michaeli B., (forthcoming). Journal of Accounting and Economics.
  3. Setbacks, Shutdowns, and Overruns"

    Feng, F., Taylor, C.R., Westerfield, M., Zhang, F., (2024). Econometrica, Vol 92(3), pp. 815-847.
  4. Renegotiation and Dynamic Inconsistency: Contracting with Non-Exponential Discounting"

    Cetemen, D., Feng, F.Z., Urgun, C., (2023). Journal of Economic Theory, Vol 208(105606).
  5. Foreign Competition and CEO Risk-Incentive Compensation"

    Erik-Bakke, T., Feng, F.Z., Mahmudi, H., and Zhu, C., (2022). Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol 76(102241).
  6. Dynamic Compensation Under Uncertainty Shocks and Limited Commitment"

    Feng, F., (2021). The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 56(6), pp. 20-39-2071.
  7. Caught in the Crossfire: How the Threat of Hedge Fund Activism Affects Creditors"

    Feng, F.Z., Xu, Q., and Zhu Q., (2021). Journal of Empirical Finance, pp. 128-143.
  8. Dynamic Resource Allocation with Hidden Volatility"

    Feng, F. Z., and Westerfield, M, (2021). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 140(2), pp. 560-581.
  9. Productivity and Liquidity Management Under Costly Financing"

    Feng, F.Z., Lu, J., and Wang, J., (2020). Journal of Corporate Finance.

Thomas Gilbert

  1. The Structure of Information Release and the Factor Structure of Returns"

    Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., & Kamara, A., (2018). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol Vol. 127(3), pp. 546-566.
  2. Is the intrinsic value of macroeconomic news announcements related to their asset price impact?"

    Gilbert, T., Scotti, C., Strasser, G. & Vega, S., (2017). Journal of Monetary Economics, pp. 78-96.
  3. Precautionary Savings with Risky Assets: When Cash is Not Cash"

    Duchin, R., Gilbert, T., Harford, J., & Hrdlicka, C., (2017). Journal of Finance, Vol 72(2), pp. 793-852.
  4. Why Are University Endowments Large and Risky?"

    Gilbert, T., & Hrdlicka, C., (2015). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 28(9), pp. 2643-2686.
  5. Daily Data is Bad for Beta: Opacity and Frequency-Dependent Betas"

    Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., Kalodimos, J., & Siegel, S., (2014). Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Vol 4(1), pp. 78-117.
  6. Investor Inattention and the Market Impact of Summary Statistics"

    Gilbert, T., Kogan, S., Lochstoer, L., & Ozyildirim, A., (2012). Management Science, Vol 58(2), pp. 336-350.
  7. Information Aggregation Around Macroeconomic Announcements: Revisions Matter"

    Gilbert, T., (2011). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 101(1), pp. 114-131.
  8. Endogenous versus exogenous shocks in complex networks: An empirical test using book sale rankings"

    Gilbert, T., Sornette, D., Deschatres, F., & Ageon, Y., (2004). Physical Review Letters, pp. 228701.

Debra Glassman

  1. Global Social Entrepreneurship Competitions: Incubators for Innovations in Global Health?"

    Huster, K., Petrillo, C., O'Mally, G., Glassman, D., Rush, J., & Wasserheit, J., (2017). Journal of Management Education, Vol 41(2), pp. 249-271.
  2. What Causes Home Asset Bias and How Should it be Measured"

    Glassman, D., & Riddick, L., (2001). Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol 8(1), pp. 35-54.
  3. Conditioning Manager Alphas of Economic Information: Another Look at the Persistence of Performance"

    Christopherson, J. A., Ferson, W. E., & Glassman, D., (1998). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 11(1), pp. 111-142.
  4. Off the Mark: Lessons for Exchange Rate Modelling"

    Boothe, P., & Glassman, D., (1987). Oxford Economic Papers, Vol 39(3), pp. 443-457.

German Gutierrez

  1. How EU Markets Became Free: A Study of Institutional Drift"

    Gutiérrez, G., Philippon, T., (2023). Journal of the European Economic Association.
  2. Entry Costs and the Macroeconomy"

    Gutiérrez, G., Jones, C., Philippon, T., (2022). Journal of Monetary Economics.
  3. Revisiting the Global Decline of the (Non-Housing) Labor Share"

    Gutiérrez, G., Piton, S., (2020). American Economic Review: Insights.
  4. From Good to Bad Concentration? U.S. Industries over the past 30 years"

    Covarrubias, M., Gutiérrez, G., Philippon, T., (2019). NBER Macro Annual Conference.
  5. Investmentless Growth: An Empirical Investigation"

    Gutiérrez, G., Philippon, T., (2017). Brookings Papers on Economic Analysis.
  6. Estimating the Probability That The Game of Monopoly Never Ends"

    Buyen, T., Friedman, E., Gutiérrez, G., Henderson, S., (2009). Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference.

Jarrad Harford

  1. The Effect of Takeover Protection in Quiet Life and Bonding Firms"

    Fich, E.M., Harford, J., Yore, A.S., (forthcoming). The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
  2. EPS Sensitivity and Mergers"

    Dasgupta, S., Harford, J., Ma, F., (2024). The Journal of Financial and Qualitative Analysis, Vol 59(2), pp. 521-556.
  3. Disloyal Managers and Shareholders’ Wealth"

    Fich, E., Harford, J., Tran, A., (2023). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 36(5), pp. 1837-1888.
  4. Ex Post Bargaining, Corporate Cash Holdings, and Executive Compensation"

    Cheng, Y., Harford, J., Hutton, I., Shipe, S., (2022). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 57(3), pp. 957-987.
  5. Better Kept in the Dark? Portfolio Disclosure and Agency Problems in Mutual Funds"

    Dyakov, T., Harford, J., and Qiu, B., (2022). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 57(4).
  6. Anticompetitive Effects of Horizontal Acquisitions: the Impact of Within-Industry Product Similarity"

    Fathollahi, M., Harford, J., and Klasa, S., (2022). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 144(2), pp. 645-669.
  7. International Trade and the Propagation of Merger Waves"

    Ahmad, M. F., de Bodt, E., and Harford, J., (2021). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 34(10), pp. 4876-4925.
  8. The Covid-19 Crisis and the Allocation of Capital"

    Duchin, R., Harford, J., (2021). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 56(7), pp. 2309-2319.
  9. How Much Do Directors Influence Firm Value"

    Burt, A., Hrdlicka, C., Harford, J., (2020). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 33(4), pp. 1818-1847.
  10. Payout Policy Tradeoffs and the Rise of 10b5-1 Preset Repurchase Plans"

    Harford, J., Bonaime, A., Moore, D., (2020). Management Science, Vol 66(6), pp. 2762-2786.
  11. Analyst Career Concerns, Effort Allocation, and Firms’ Information Environment"

    Harford, J., Jiang, F., Wang, R., Xie, F., (2019). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 32(6), pp. 2179-2224.
  12. Do Insiders Time Management Buyouts and Freezeouts to Buy Undervalued Targets?"

    Harford, J., Zhang, F., (2019). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 131(1), pp. 206-231.
  13. Financial vs. Strategic Buyouts"

    Harford, J., Martos-Vila, M., Rhodes-Kropf, M., (2019). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 54(6), pp. 2635-2661.
  14. Operating Leverage, Profitability, and Capital Structure"

    Chen, Z., Harford, J., & Kamara, A., (2019). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis., pp. 369-392.
  15. Trade Relationships, Indirect Economic Links, and Mergers"

    Harford, J., Schonlau, R., Stanfield, J., (2019). Management Science, Vol 65(7), pp. 3085-3110.
  16. Do Long-Term Investors Improve Corporate Decision Making?"

    Harford, J., Kecskes, A., Mansi, S., (2018). Journal of Corporate Finance, pp. 424-452.
  17. CEO Turnover-Performance Sensitivity in Private Firms"

    Gao, H., Harford, J., & Li, K., (2017). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 52(2), pp. 583-611.
  18. Foreign Cash: Taxes, Internal Capital Markets, and Agency Problems"

    Harford, J., Wang, C., & Zhang, K., (2017). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 30(5), pp. 1490-1538.
  19. Precautionary Savings with Risky Assets: When Cash is Not Cash"

    Duchin, R., Gilbert, T., Harford, J., & Hrdlicka, C., (2017). Journal of Finance, Vol 72(2), pp. 793-852.
  20. The Real Effects of Uncertainty on Merger Activity"

    Harford, J., Bhagwat, V. & Dam, R., (2016). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 29(11), pp. 3000-3034.
  21. Bonus-Driven Repurchases"

    Cheng, Y., Harford, J., & Zhang, T., (2015). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 50(3), pp. 447-475.
  22. Do Analysts Matter for Governance? Evidence from Natural Experiments"

    Chen, T., Harford, J., & Lin, C., (2015). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 115(2), pp. 383-410.
  23. Motivated Monitors: The Importance of Institutional Investors Portfolio Weights"

    Fich, E., Harford, J., & Tran, R. A., (2015). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 118(1), pp. 21-48.
  24. Bond Market Access and Investment"

    Harford, J., & Uysal, V., (2014). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 112(2), pp. 147-163.
  25. Do Private Equity Returns Result from Wealth Transfers and Short-Termism? Evidence from a Comprehensive Sample of Large Buyouts"

    Harford, J., & Kolasinski, A., (2014). Management Science, Vol 60(4), pp. 888-902.
  26. Financial Flexibility, Risk Management, and Payout Choice"

    Adams Bonaimé, A., Harford, J., & Watson Hankins, K., (2014). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 27(4), pp. 1074-1101.
  27. Refinancing Risk and Cash Holdings"

    Harford, J., Klasa, S., & Maxwell, W., (2014). Journal of Finance, Vol 69(3), pp. 975-1012.
  28. The Importance of Industry Links in Merger Waves"

    Ahern, K., & Harford, J., (2014). Journal of Finance, Vol 69(2), pp. 527-576.
  29. Determinants of Corporate Cash Policy: Insights from Private Firms"

    Gao, H., Harford, J., & Li, K., (2013). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 109(3), pp. 623-639.
  30. Does the Director Labor Market Offer Ex Post Settling-up for CEOs? The Case of Acquisitions"

    Harford, J., & Schonlau, R., (2013). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 110(1), pp. 18-36.
  31. CEO Pay Cuts and Forced Turnover: Their Causes and Consequences"

    Gao, H., Harford, J., & Li, K., (2012). Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol 18(2), pp. 291-310.
  32. The Sources of Value Destruction in Acquisitions by Entrenched Managers"

    Harford, J., Humphery, M., & Powell, R., (2012). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 106(2), pp. 247-261.
  33. Institutional Cross-holdings and their Effect on Acquisition Decisions"

    Harford, J., Jenter, D., & Li, K., (2011). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 99(1), pp. 27-39.
  34. Do Firms Have Leverage Targets? Evidence from Acquisitions"

    Harford, J., Klasa S., & Walcott, N., (2009). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 93(1), pp. 1-14.
  35. Corporate Governance and Firm Cash Holdings in the U.S."

    Harford, J., Mansi, S., & Maxwell, W., (2008). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 87(3), pp. 535-555.
  36. Information Asymmetry, Information Dispersion, and the Effect of Regulation FD on the Cost of Capital"

    Duarte, J., Han, X., Harford, J., & Young, L., (2008). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 87(1), pp. 24-44.
  37. Decoupling CEO Wealth and Firm Performance: The Case of Acquiring CEOs"

    Harford, J., & Li, K., (2007). Journal of Finance, Vol 62(2), pp. 917-949.
  38. Monitoring: Which Institutions Matter?"

    Harford, J., (2007). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 86(2), pp. 279-305.
  39. Correlated Order Flow: Pervasiveness, Sources, and Pricing Effects"

    Harford, J., & Kaul, A., (2005). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 40(1), pp. 29-55.
  40. What Drives Merger Waves"

    Harford, J., (2005). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 77(3), pp. 529-560.
  41. Takeover Bids and Target Directors’ Incentives: Retention, Experience, and Settling-up"

    Harford, J., (2003). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 69(1), pp. 51-83.
  42. Managerial Opportunism? Evidence from Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance Purchases"

    Chalmers, J., Dann, L., Harford, J., (2002). Journal of Finance, Vol 57(2), pp. 609-636.
  43. The Cash Flow Permanence and Information Content of Dividend Increases vs. Repurchases"

    Guay, W., & Harford, J., (2000). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 57(3), pp. 385-415.
  44. Corporate Cash Reserves and Acquisitions"

    Harford, J., (1999). Journal of Finance, Vol 54(6), pp. 1969-1997.

Alan Hess

  1. Institutions and Deposit Insurance: Empirical Evidence"

    Brogaard, J., Dewenter, K., & Hess, A., (forthcoming). Journal of Financial Services Research.
  2. An International Comparison of Banks’ Equity Returns"

    Dewenter, K., & Hess, A., (1998). The Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol 30(3: Part 2), pp. 472-492.

Christopher Hrdlicka

  1. Trading Volume and Time Varying Betas"

    Hrdlicka, C., (2022). The Review of Finance, Vol 26(1), pp. 79-116.
  2. Where Does the Predictability from Sorting on Returns of Economically Linked Firms Come From?"

    Burt, A., Hrdlicka, C., (2021). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Online.
  3. How Much Do Directors Influence Firm Value"

    Burt, A., Hrdlicka, C., Harford, J., (2020). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 33(4), pp. 1818-1847.
  4. The Structure of Information Release and the Factor Structure of Returns"

    Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., & Kamara, A., (2018). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol Vol. 127(3), pp. 546-566.
  5. Precautionary Savings with Risky Assets: When Cash is Not Cash"

    Duchin, R., Gilbert, T., Harford, J., & Hrdlicka, C., (2017). Journal of Finance, Vol 72(2), pp. 793-852.
  6. Why Are University Endowments Large and Risky?"

    Gilbert, T., & Hrdlicka, C., (2015). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 28(9), pp. 2643-2686.
  7. Daily Data is Bad for Beta: Opacity and Frequency-Dependent Betas"

    Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., Kalodimos, J., & Siegel, S., (2014). Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Vol 4(1), pp. 78-117.

Avraham Kamara

  1. The Cross-Section of Volatility and Returns: Then and Now"

    Siegel, S., Detzel, A., Duarte, J., Kamara, A., and Sun, C., (2023). The Critical Finance Review, Vol 12(1-4), pp. 9-56.
  2. Operating Leverage, Profitability, and Capital Structure"

    Chen, Z., Harford, J., & Kamara, A., (2019). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis., pp. 369-392.
  3. Short-Horizon Beta or Long-Horizon Alpha?"

    Kamara, A., Korajczyk, R., Lou, X., & Sadka, R.a, (2018). Journal of Portfolio Management, pp. 96-105.
  4. The Structure of Information Release and the Factor Structure of Returns"

    Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., & Kamara, A., (2018). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol Vol. 127(3), pp. 546-566.
  5. Yes, the Composition of the Market Portfolio Matters: The Estimated Cost of Equity"

    Kamara, A., & Young, L., (2018). Financial Management, pp. 911-929.
  6. Horizon Pricing"

    Kamara, A., Korajczyk, R., Lou, X., & Sadka, R., (2017). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 51(6), pp. 1769-1793.
  7. The Effects of Randomizing the Opening Time on the Performance of a Stock Market under Stress"

    Hauser, S., Kamara, A., & Shurki, I., (2012). Journal of Financial Markets, Vol 15(4), pp. 392-415.
  8. Has the U.S. Stock Market Become More Vulnerable Over Time"

    Kamara, A., Lou, X., & Sadka, R., (2010). Financial Analysts Journal, Vol 66(1), pp. 41-52.
  9. The Divergence of Liquidity Commonality in the Cross-section of Stocks"

    Kamara, A., Lou, X., & Sadka, R., (2008). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 89(3), pp. 444-466.
  10. The Nontradability Premium of Derivatives Contracts"

    Eldor, R., Hauser , S., Kahn, M., & Kamara, A., (2006). Journal of Business, Vol 79(4), pp. 2067-2097.
  11. Conditional Time-varying Interest Rate Risk Premium: Evidence from the Treasury Bill Futures Market"

    Hess, A., & Kamara, A., (2005). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol 37(4), pp. 679-698.
  12. Volatility, Autocorrelations, and Trading Activity After Stock Splits"

    Kamara, A., & Koski, J., (2001). Journal of Financial Markets, Vol 4(2), pp. 163-184.
  13. New Evidence on the Monday Seasonal in Stock Returns"

    Kamara, A., (1997). Journal of Business, Vol 70(1), pp. 63-84.
  14. The Relation between Default-free Interest Rates and Economic Growth is Stronger than you Think"

    Kamara, A., (1997). Journal of Finance, Vol 52(4), pp. 1681-1694.
  15. Daily and Intradaily Tests of European Put-Call Parity"

    Kamara, A., & Miller, T., (1995). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 30(4), pp. 519-539.
  16. Production flexibility, stochastic separation, hedging, and futures prices"

    Kamara, A., (1993). Review of Financial Studies, pp. 935-957.

Jonathan M. Karpoff

  1. The Consequences to Directors for Deploying Poison Pills"

    with William C. Johnson and Michael D. Wittry, (forthcoming). Management Science.
  2. Corporate Takeover Defenses"

    with Michael D. Wittry, (2024). in Handbook of Corporate Finance, edited by David Denis, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 410-454.
  3. Enforcement Waves and Spillovers"

    with Hae Mi Choi, Xiaoxia Lou, and Gerald S. Martin, (2024). Management Science, pp. 834-859.
  4. Unlikely sabotage: Comment on Bloomfield, Marvão, and Spagnolo"

    , (2023). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol 76(101606).
  5. The Lifecycle Effects of Firm Takeover Defenses"

    Johnson, W. C., Karpoff, J., & Yi, S., (2022). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 36(5), pp. 2879-2927.
  6. The Tragedy of ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ – Hardin vs. the Property Rights Theorists"

    Karpoff, J., (2022). Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 65(S1), pp. 65-84.
  7. Shareholder Perks, Ownership Structure, and Firm Value"

    Kaproff, J., Schonlau, R. J., & Suzuki, K., (2021). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 34(2), pp. 5676-5722.
  8. The Trust Triangle: Laws, Reputation, and Culture in Empirical Finance Research"

    Karpoff, J., Dupont, Q., (2020). Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 163(2), pp. 217-238.
  9. Financial Reporting Fraud and Other Forms of Misconduct: A Multidisciplinary Review of the Literature"

    Karpoff, J., Amiran, D., Bozanic, Z., Cox, J., Dupont, Q., Sloan, R., (2018). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol 23(2), pp. 732-783.
  10. Institutional and Legal Context in Nagtural Experiments: The Case of State Antitakeover Laws"

    Karpoff, J. M., & Wittry, M., (2018). The Journal of Finance, Vol 73(2), pp. 657-714.
  11. Do Takeover Defense Indices Measure Takeover Deterrence?"

    Karpoff, J. M., Schonlau, R., & Wehrly, E., (2017). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 30(7), pp. 2359-2412.
  12. Proxies and Databases in Financial Misconduct Research"

    Karpoff, J., Koester, A., Lee, D. S., & Martin, G. S., (2017). The Accounting Review, Vol 92(6), pp. 129-163.
  13. Thirty Years of Shareholder Activism: A Survey of Empirical Research"

    Denes, R., Karpoff, J. M., & McWilliams, V. B., (2017). Journal of Corporate Finance, pp. 405-424.
  14. Short Selling and Earnings Management: A Controlled Experiment"

    Fang, V., Huang, A., & Karpoff, J. M., (2016). Journal of Finance, Vol 71(3), pp. 1251-1294.
  15. The Bonding Hypothesis of Takeover Defenses"

    Johnson, W., Karpoff, J. M., & Yi, S., (2015). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 117(2), pp. 307-332.
  16. Evidence of Optimal Contracting: Lockup Agreements in Seasoned Equity Offerings"

    Karpoff, J. M., Lee, G., & Masulis, R., (2013). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 110(3), pp. 607-626.
  17. Internal Corporate Governance, CEO Turnover, and Earnings Management"

    Hazarika, S., Karpoff, J. M., & Nahata, R., (2012). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 104(1), pp. 44-69.
  18. Short Sellers and Financial Misconduct"

    Karpoff, J. M., & Lou, X., (2010). Journal of Finance, Vol 65(5), pp. 1879-1913.
  19. The Consequences to Managers for Financial Misrepresentation"

    Karpoff, J. M., Lee, S. D., & Martin, G. S., (2008). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 88(2), pp. 193-215.
  20. The Cost to Firms of Cooking the Books"

    Karpoff, J. M., Lee, S. D., & Martin, G. S., (2008). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 43(3), pp. 581-612.
  21. The Determinants of Corporate Board Size and Composition: Empirical Evidence"

    Boone, A. L., Field, L. C., Karpoff, J. M., & Raheja, C. G., (2007). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 85(1), pp. 66-101.
  22. Takeover Defenses of IPO Firms"

    with Laura Casares Field, (2002). Journal of Finance, Vol 57(5), pp. 1857-1889.
  23. Defense Procurement Fraud, Penalties, and Contractor Influence"

    with D. Scott Lee and Valaria Vendrzyk, (1999). Journal of Political Economy, Vol 107(4), pp. 809-842.

Jennifer Koski

  1. Arbitrage vs. Informed Short Selling: Evidence from Convertible Bond Issuers"

    Hackney, J., Henry, T., and Koski, J., (2020). Journal of Corporate Finance.
  2. Do Upgrades Matter? Evidence from Trading Volume"

    Brogaard, J., Koski, J., and Siegel, A., (2019). Journal of Financial Markets, pp. 54-77.
  3. Who Wins When Exchanges Compete? Evidence from Competition after Euro Conversion"

    Dewenter, K., Han, X., & Koski, J., (2018). Review of Finance, pp. 2037-2071.
  4. Ex-Dividend Profitability and Institutional Trading Skill"

    Henry, T. and Koski, J., (2017). Journal of Finance, Vol 72(1), pp. 461-494.
  5. Short Selling Around Seasoned Equity Offerings"

    Henry, T., & Koski, J., (2010). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 23(12), pp. 4389-4418.
  6. Does Volatility Decrease after Reverse Stock Splits?"

    Koski, J., (2007). Journal of Financial Research, Vol 30(2), pp. 217-235.
  7. Information Flow and Liquidity Around Anticipated and Unanticipated Dividend Announcements"

    Graham, J., Koski, J., & Loewenstein, U., (2006). Journal of Business, Vol 79(5), pp. 2301-2336.
  8. Volatility, Autocorrelations, and Trading Activity After Stock Splits"

    Kamara, A., & Koski, J., (2001). Journal of Financial Markets, Vol 4(2), pp. 163-184.
  9. Prices, Liquidity, and The Information Content of Trades"

    Koski, J., & Michaely, R., (2000). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 13(3), pp. 659-696.
  10. How are Derivatives Used? Evidence from the Mutual Fund Industry"

    Koski, J., & Pontiff, J., (1999). Journal of Finance, Vol 54(2), pp. 791-816.
  11. Measurement Effects and the Variance of Returns After Stock Splits and Stock Dividends"

    Koski, J., (1998). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 11(1), pp. 143-162.
  12. Who Trades Around the Ex-Dividend Day? Evidence from NYSE Audit File Data"

    Koski, J., & Scruggs, J., (1998). Financial Management, Vol 27(1), pp. 58-72.
  13. A Microstructure Analysis of Ex-Dividend Stock Price Behavior Before and After the 1984 and 1986 Tax Reform Acts"

    Koski, J., (1996). Journal of Business, Vol 69(3), pp. 313-338.

Lukas Kremens

  1. The Quanto Theory of Exchange Rates (with Ian Martin)"

    Kremens, L., (2019). American Economics Review, pp. 810-843.

Alexis León

  1. The Effect of Household Appliances on Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Microdata"

    Coen-Pirani, D. and Lugauer, S., (2010). Labour Economics, Vol 17(3), pp. 503–513.

Doron Levit

  1. ESG: A Panacea for Market Power?"

    Levit, D., Bond, P., (forthcoming). Journal of Financial Economics.
  2. The Voting Premium"

    Levit, D., Malenko, N., Maug, E., (forthcoming). Journal of Finance.
  3. Trading and Shareholder Democracy"

    Levit, D., Malenko, D., Maug, E., (2024). Journal of Finance.
  4. A Theory of One-Size-Fits-All Recommendations"

    Levit, D., Tsoy, A., (2022). American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol 14(4), pp. 318-347.
  5. Agents of Inequality: Common Ownership and the Decline of the American Worker"

    Goshen, Z., Levit, D., (2022). Duke Law Journal, Vol 72(1), pp. 1-69.
  6. Who’s Paying Attention? Measuring Common Ownership and Its Impact on Managerial Incentives"

    Levit, D., Gilje, E., & Gormley, T., (2020). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 137(1), pp. 152-178.
  7. Words Speak Louder Without Actions"

    Levit, D, (2020). Journal of Finance, Vol 75(1), pp. 91-131.
  8. Corporate Control Activism"

    Levit, D., & Corum, A., (2019). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 133(1), pp. 1-17.
  9. Governance Under Common Ownership"

    Levit, D., Edmans, A., & Reilly, D., (2019). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 32(7), pp. 2673-2719.
  10. Soft Shareholder Activism"

    Levit, D., (2019). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 32(7), pp. 2775-2808.

Ye Li

  1. Dynamic Banking and the Value of Deposits"

    Bolton, P., Li, Ye., Wang, N., Yang, J., (forthcoming). Journal of Finance.
  2. Fragile New Economy: Intangible Capital, Corporate Savings Glut, and Financial Instability"

    Li, Ye, (forthcoming). American Economic Review.
  3. Token-based Platform Finance"

    Cong, L., Li, Y., Wang, N., (2022). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 144(3), pp. 972-991.
  4. Network Risk and Key Players: A Structural Analysis of Interbank Liquidity"

    Denbee, E., Julliard, C., Li, Y., Yuan, K., (2021). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 141(3), pp. 831-859. (Lead Article).
  5. Tokenomics: Dynamic Adoption and Valuation"

    Cong, L., Li, Y., Wang, N., (2021). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 34(3), pp. 1105-1155. (Editor's Choice).

Paul Malatesta

  1. Corporate Ownership Structure and the Choice between Bank Debt and Public Debt"

    Lin, C., Malatesta, P., & Xuan, Y., (2013). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 109(2), pp. 517-534.
  2. Corporate Investment, Government Control, and Financing Channels: Evidence from China’s Listed Companies"

    Firth, M., Malatesta, P., Xin, Q., & Xu, L., (2012). Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol 18(3), pp. 433-450.
  3. Corporate Ownership Structure and Bank Loan Syndicate Structure"

    Lin, C., Malatesta, P., & Xuan, Y., (2012). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 104(1), pp. 1-22.
  4. Firm Values and Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments"

    Dewenter, K., Han, X., & Malatesta, P., (2010). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 98(2), pp. 256-278.
  5. Managerial Succession and Firm Performance"

    Huson, M., Malatesta, P., & Parrino, R., (2004). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 74(2), pp. 237-275.
  6. State-Owned and Privately-Owned Firms: An Empirical Analysis of Profitability, Leverage, and Labor Intensity"

    Dewenter, K., & Malatesta, P., (2001). The American Economic Review, Vol 91(1), pp. 320-334.
  7. Public Offerings of State-Owned and Privately-Owned Enterprises: An International Comparison"

    Dewenter, K., & Malatesta, P., (1997). Journal of Finance, Vol 52(4), pp. 1659-1679.
  8. Earnings Management, Stock Issues, and Shareholder Lawsuits"

    DuCharme, L.L., Malatesta, P.H., and Sefcik, S., (2004). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 71(1), pp. 27-49.
  9. Earnings Management: IPO Valuation and Subsequent Performance"

    DuCharme, L.L., Malatesta, P.H., and Sefcik, S., (2001). Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Vol 16(4), pp. 369-396.

Monica Marin

  1. Can Financial Risk Management Help Prevent Bankruptcy?"

    Marin, M., (2013). Journal of Finance and Accountancy, pp. 18.
  2. Financial Distress Risk and the Managing of Foreign Currency Risk Exposure"

    Boyer, M. M., & Marin, M., (2013). Quarterly Journal of Finance, Vol 3(1), pp. 21-57.

Jordan Nickerson

  1. Analyst Promotions within Credit Rating Agencies: Accuracy or Bias"

    Kisgen, D., Nickerson, J., Osborn, M., Reuter, J., (2020). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 55(3), pp. 869-896.
  2. How Reliably Do Financial Statement Proxies Identify Tax Avoidance"

    Lisa De Simone, L., Nickerson, J., Seidman, J., Stomberg, B, (2020). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol 37(3), pp. 1536-1561.
  3. Real Effects of Workers’ Financial Distress: Evidence from Teacher Spillovers"

    Maturana, G., Nickerson, J.,, (2020). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 136(1), pp. 137-151.
  4. Teachers Teaching Teachers: The Role of Workplace Peer Effects on Financial Decisions"

    Maturana, G., Nickerson, J.,, (2019). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 32(10), pp. 3920-3957.
  5. Rating Shopping or Catering? An Examination of the Response to Competitive Pressure for CDO Credit Ratings"

    Griffin, J., Nickerson, J., Tang, D. Y., (2013). Review of Financial Studies, Vol 26(9), pp. 2270-2310.

Edward Rice

  1. Corporate Tax Cuts, Merger Activity, and Shareholder Wealth"

    Blouin, J., Fich, E., Rice, Edward, Tran, A., (2021). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol 71(1).
  2. Contractual Revisions in Compensation: Evidence from Merger Bonuses to Target CEOs"

    Fich, E., Rice, E., & Tran, A., (2016). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol 61(2-3), pp. 338-368.
  3. Organizational Form, Share Transferability, and Firm Performance: Evidence from the ANCSA Corporations"

    Karpoff, J. M., & Rice, E., (1989). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 21(4), pp. 69-105.
  4. Experimental Support for the Economic Theory of Risk Averse Behavior"

    Allen, R., Harstad, R., & Rice, E., (1987). The Social Science Review, Vol VII(2).
  5. Going Private: Minority Freezeouts and Stockholder Wealth"

    DeAngelo, H., DeAngelo, L., & Rice, E., (1984). Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 27(2), pp. 67-401.
  6. Going Private: The Effects of a Change in Corporate Ownership Structure"

    DeAngelo, H., DeAngelo, L., & Rice, E., (1984). Midland Corporate Finance Journal.
  7. The Theory of Price-changing and Monopoly Power"

    Rice, E., & Simon, J., (1984). Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol 6(2), pp. 198-213.
  8. Antitakeover Charter Amendments and Stockholder Wealth"

    DeAngelo, H., & Rice, E., (1983). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 11(1-4), pp. 329-359.
  9. Rent-seeking and Welfare Loss"

    Rice, E., & Ulen, T., (1981). Research in Law and Economics, pp. 806-862.
  10. Measuring Portfolio Performance and the Empirical Content of Asset Pricing Models"

    Mayers, D., & Rice, E., (1979). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 7(1), pp. 3-28.
  11. Discussion—Finance and Industrial Organization"

    Rice, E., & Weston, J., (1976). Journal of Finance, Vol 31(2), pp. 743-747.

Lawrence Schall

  1. Debt Callability and Investment Incentives"

    Schall, L. & Siegel, A., (2016). Journal of Corporate Finance, pp. 315-330.

Andrew Siegel

  1. Debt Callability and Investment Incentives"

    Schall, L. & Siegel, A., (2016). Journal of Corporate Finance, pp. 315-330.
  2. Practical Business Statistics"

    Siegel, A., (2016).

    • Reprint, originally published 2012
  3. Price-Admissibility Conditions for Arbitrage-Free Linear Price Function Models for the Term Structure of Interest Rates"

    Siegel, A., (2016). Mathematical Finance, Vol 26(4), pp. 919-938.
  4. How Much Error is in the Tracking Error? The Impact of Estimation Risk on Fund Tracking Error"

    Siegel, A., & Woodgate, A., (2015). Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol 41(2), pp. 84-99.
  5. Performance of Portfolios Optimized with Estimation Error"

    Siegel, A., & Woodgate, A., (2009). Management Science, Vol 53(6), pp. 1005-1015.
  6. Testing Portfolio Efficiency with Conditioning Information"

    Ferson, W., & Siegel, A., (2009). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 22(7), pp. 2735-2758.
  7. A Data Integration Methodology for Systems Biology"

    Atauri, P., Aitchison, Bolouri, H., J., Hood, L., Hwang, D., Leslie, D., Rust, A., Ramsey, S., Siegel, A., Smith, J., & Weston, A., (2005). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol 102(48), pp. 17296–17301.
  8. Stochastic Discount Factor Bounds with Conditioning Information"

    Ferson, W., & Siegel, A., (2003). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 16(2), pp. 567-595.
  9. A Three-Stage Clinical Trial Design for Rare Disorders"

    Berger, V., Feldman, B., Honkanen, V., Siegel, A., Siegel, J., & Szalai, J., (2001). Statistics in Medicine, Vol 20(20), pp. 3009-3021.
  10. The Efficient Use of Conditioning Information in Portfolios"

    Ferson, W., & Siegel, A., (2001). The Journal of Finance, Vol 56(3), pp. 967-982.
  11. Diversification in the Presence of Taxes"

    Appeadu, C., Narasimhan, P., Siegel, A., & Stein, D., (2000). The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol 27(1), pp. 61-71.

Stephan Siegel

  1. The Origins of Savings Behavior"

    Cronqvist, H., & Siegel, S., (2015). Journal of Political Economy, Vol 123(1), pp. 123-169.
  2. Genetics, Homeownership, and Home Location Choice"

    Cronqvist, H., Muenkel, F., & Siegel, S., (2014). Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol 48(1), pp. 79-111.
  3. The Genetics of Investment Biases"

    Cronqvist, H., & Siegel, S., (2014). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 113(2), pp. 215-234.
  4. Daily Data is Bad for Beta: Opacity and Frequency-Dependent Betas"

    Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., Kalodimos, J., & Siegel, S., (2014). Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Vol 4(1), pp. 78-117.
  5. Political Risk Spreads"

    Bekaert, G., Harvey, C., Lundblad, C., & Siegel, S., (2014). Journal of International Business Studies, Vol 45(4), pp. 471-493.
  6. The European Union, the Euro, and Equity Market Integration"

    Bekaert, G., Harvey, C., Lundblad, C., & Siegel, S., (2013). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 109(3), pp. 583-603.
  7. Trust and Credit: The Role of Appearance in Peer-to-Peer Lending"

    Duarte, J., Siegel, S., & Young, L., (2012). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 25(8), pp. 2455-2484.
  8. What Segments Equity Markets?"

    Bekaert, G., Harvey, C., Lundblad, C., & Siegel, S., (2011). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 24(12), pp. 3841-3890.

Yang Song

  1. The Smart Beta Mirage"

    Huang, S., Song, Yang and Hong, X., (forthcoming). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
  2. Index Providers: Whales Behind the Scenes of ETFs"

    An, Y., Benetton, M., and Song, Yang, (forthcoming). Journal of Financial Economics.
  3. A Frog in Every Pan: Information Discreteness and the Lead-lag Returns Puzzle"

    Lee, C.M.C., Huang, S., Song, Yang, and Xiang, H., (forthcoming). Journal of Financial Economics.
  4. Ratings-Driven Demand and Systematic Price Fluctuations"

    Ben-David, I., Li, J., Rossi, A., and Song, Yang, (forthcoming). Review of Financial Studies.
  5. What do Mutual Fund Investors Really Care About?"

    Ben-David, I., Li, J., Rossi, A., and Song, Yang, (forthcoming). Review of Financial Studies.
  6. Obfuscation in Mutual Funds"

    de Haan, E., Song, Y., Xie, C., and Zhu, C., (forthcoming). Journal of Accounting and Economics.
  7. The Mismatch Between Mutual Fund Scale and Skill"

    Song, Y., (2020). Journal of Finance, Vol 75(5), pp. 2555-2589.
  8. Funding Value Adjustments"

    Andersen, L., Duffie, D., and Song, Yang, (2019). Journal of Finance, Vol 74(1), pp. 145-192.

Léa Stern

  1. Selecting Directors Using Machine Learning"

    Erel, I., Stern, Léa, Tan, C., and Weisbach, M, (forthcoming). Review of Financial Studies.
  2. D&O Insurance and IPO Performance: What Can we Learn from Insurers?"

    Stern, L., & Boyer, M.M., (2014). Journal of Financial Intermediation, pp. 504-540.
  3. Pay for Performance from Future Fund Flows: The Case of Private Equity"

    Stern, L., Chung, J., Sensoy, B. & Weisbach, M., (2012). Review of Financial Studies, pp. 3259-3304.
  4. Is Corporate Governance Risk Valued? Evidence from Directors and Officers Liability Insurance"

    Stern, L., & Boyer, M.M., (2012). Journal of Corporate Finance, pp. 349-372.
  5. Pay for Performance from Future Fund Flows: The Case of Private Equity"

    Stern, L., Chung, J.W., Sensoy, B.A., & Weisbach, M.S.. Review of Financial Studies, pp. 3259-3304.

Mark Westerfield

  1. Dynamic Resource Allocation with Hidden Volatility"

    Feng F. & Westerfield M., (2021). Journal of Financial Economics, pp. 560-582.
  2. Market Selection"

    Kogan, L., Ross, S., Wang, J. & Westerfield, M., (2017). Journal of Economic Theory, pp. 209-236.
  3. Looking for Someone to Blame: Delegation, Cognitive Dissonance, and the Disposition Effect"

    Chang, T., Solomon, D., & Westerfield, W., (2016). Journal of Finance, Vol 71(1), pp. 267-302.
  4. Optimal Dynamic Contracts with Moral Hazard and Costly Monitoring"

    Piskorski, T. & Westerfield, M., (2016). Journal of Economic Theory, pp. 242-281.
  5. Resource Accumulation Through Economic Ties: Evidence from Venture Capital"

    Hochberg, Y., Lindsey, L., & Westerfield, M., (2015). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 118(2), pp. 245-267.
  6. Portfolio Choice with Illiquid Assets"

    Ang, A., Papanikolaou, D., & Westerfield, M., (2014). Management Science, Vol 60(11), pp. 2737-2761.
  7. Disagreement and Learning in a Dynamic Contracting Model"

    Adrian, T. & Westerfield, M., (2009). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 22(10), pp. 3873-3906.
  8. High-Water Marks: High Risk Appetites? Convex Compensation, Long Horizons, and Portfolio Choice"

    Panageas, S., & Westerfield, M., (2009). Journal of Finance, Vol 64(1), pp. 1-36.
  9. The Price Impact and Survival of Irrational Traders"

    Kogan, L., Ross, S., Wang, J., & Westerfield, M., (2006). Journal of Finance, Vol 61(1), pp. 195-229.

Lance Young

  1. Yes, the Composition of the Market Portfolio Matters: The Estimated Cost of Equity"

    Kamara, A., & Young, L., (2018). Financial Management, pp. 911-929.
  2. The Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Shareholders and Managers of Foreign Firms"

    Duarte, J., Kong, K., Siegel, S., & Young, L., (2014). Review of Finance, Vol 18(1), pp. 417-455.
  3. Trust and Credit: The Role of Appearance in Peer-to-Peer Lending"

    Duarte, J., Siegel, S., & Young, L., (2012). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 25(8), pp. 2455-2484.
  4. Why is PIN Priced?"

    Duarte, J., & Young, L., (2009). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 91(2), pp. 119-138.
  5. Information Asymmetry, Information Dispersion, and the Effect of Regulation FD on the Cost of Capital"

    Duarte, J., Han, X., Harford, J., & Young, L., (2008). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 87(1), pp. 24-44.