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USTC Faculty Positions

The School of Management at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) invites applications for faculty positions at all ranks and in all fields related to Finance, Business Data analytics, Management, Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship:


Assistant/Associate/Full Professor


Hefei, CHINA and Seattle, USA

The School of Management at the University of Science and Technology of China offers competitive salaries, benefits and research support. The newly hired tenure track faculty members will not be required to teach in the first 3 years. The school will provide fund to support new faculty members to conduct joint research in the USTC-UW Institute of Global Business and Finance Innovation for at least 3 months per year.

Applicants at the rank of associate or full professor must have an outstanding research record. Applicants at the assistant professor level should have obtained a PhD degree in a related field or be very close to completing one and demonstrated their ability to publish their work in top academic journals.

The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is one of the top ranked universities in China, best known for its leading scientific research and high-quality students. The School of Management at USTC has founded, jointly with the City of Hefei, the International Institute of Finance to promote the research and application of the academic disciplines of Finance, Business Data analytics, Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and to help transform Hefei into a national financial and banking center. To advance this goal, the School of Management at USTC has partnered with the Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington to establish the USTC-UW Institute of Global Business and Finance Innovation.

Applicants interested in applying should submit a detailed curriculum vita, research papers and publications, the names and contact information of at least 3 references to Dr. Yongfeng Wei at [email protected], or mail to:

USTC-UW Institute for Global Business and Finance Innovation
Michael G. Foster School of Business
University of Washington
215 Mackenzie Hall, Box 353200
Seattle, WA 98195-3200
