Foster by the Numbers
Average starting salary
Student organizations
in scholarships awarded
Program Highlights
Foster’s undergraduate program, ranked #1 in the Northwest, will prepare you for a successful and rewarding career with a rigorous, exciting, and well-rounded business education. Combining practice, theory, and many experiential opportunities, you will grow professionally and personally in a supportive community of faculty and students.
As a Foster undergraduate student, you will:
- Prepare for your professional career with individualized career coaching, hands-on internship opportunities, and networking activities with industry professionals
- Put theory into practice through a wide array of experiential opportunities, including our required capstone case competition
- Specialize your degree through programs such as the Certificate of International Studies in Business and the Sales Certificate or impact the Seattle community through the Consulting and Business Development Program
Carnival Celebration
Global Business Case Competition
Reconnecting Across Continents
Business London Spring Break
World-Class Faculty
Professor Jain researches and teaches supply-chain variability and costs. He is a prolific contributor to academic journals, and consults for Motorola.
Professor Nichols is the Faculty Coordinator for the Business Minor and Business Badge programs, and often coaches students for case competitions.
Professor Bergstrom was awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and named “Outstanding Faculty” by The Panhellenic Association and the Interfraternal Council.
Professor Rutz teaches Customer Analytics. He is an expert in the fields of database marketing and e-commerce, and winner of the O’Dell Award awarded by the American Marketing Association.
Faculty Research
Behind Closed Doors: Research Explores Inner Workings of Privately-Held Company Boards
Founders, take note. What you don’t know about your board members could hurt you. Read more
Information Systems Professor Mingwen Yang Earns Two Early Career Awards
“Changing work, changing lives,” Foster faculty member explores how information systems change how we live and work Read more
Doron Levit Wins Brattle Group Prize for Research on Shareholder Democracy
First-place prize recognizes research that analyzes issues facing corporate finance community Read more
Next Steps
Applying to Foster
For all applicants including:
- Current, Returning, or Former UW Seattle Students
- Transfer Students
- UW Bothell & UW Tacoma Students
For incoming freshman applicants including:
- High School Students (incoming freshmen to UW Seattle)
- Running Start Students
High School Applicants who meet all Standard Admission eligibility requirements can apply for both Freshman Direct and Standard Admission