Looking for a nationally-recognized Executive MBA program accessible from Anchorage? The EMBA at the Michael G. Foster School of Business in Seattle has been serving mid-career business professionals from Alaska for years. Foster EMBA students and alumni represent key companies like Give to Grow International, ENSTAR Natural Gas, Alaska Distributors Co., Alyeska Pipeline and BP Alaska.
Alisa Tijerina, West Area Scheduling Lead for BP Alaska, likes the Foster Executive MBA Program because she can put what she learns to work solving problems back on the job:
“Deeper knowledge leads to confidence in making recommendations. We’re trying to change a culture that’s been doing the same thing in the same way for 30 years. I took my class readings to the office, then we used BP as a focus for our study team’s final project and I distributed the findings to my team at work—we’ve already implemented many of the recommendations. I think that’s pretty amazing.”