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Accelerate, Expand, New path

Recognizing that business and organizational professionals are responsible for their own career trajectories, the Executive MBA program assists students with taking strategic control of their career journey — to do work they value, where they are valued.

Foster EMBA prospect and applicant goals frequently include accelerating their career development, expanding their leadership role/impact and/or potentially plotting a completely new career path. While interactions with classmates representing diverse industries, organizations and professional experiences provide invaluable insights, we belive in the value of including dedicated career management resources as part of the EMBA program.

Presenting oneself for promotion, or considering and understanding new roles or employers takes time and personal investment. Seasoned Career Coach Donna Sellers meets with groups of students and alumni and in one-on-one sessions providing the tools, coaching and encouragement on a range of important career management activities (see below). Focused workshops, guest speakers and, where possible, virtual introductions to program alumni supplement student or alumni career explorations.

  • Personal brand development
  • Elevator pitch
  • Cover letter
  • Resume
  • Interview preparation
  • Networking strategies and materials
  • Salary/offer negotiations
  • Job search and transition strategies
With an Executive MBA in hand, Marian Chia-Ming Liu forges new initiatives at The Washington PostRead More

The Business of Journalism

Veteran Howard C. Lim harnessed the Executive MBA to launch RFPGo.aiRead More

From U.S. Army to Startup Founder

Todd Cutter, Josh McDonald & Dr. Kunal Joshi forged a wound care startup at FosterRead More

From Executive MBA to Healthcare Startup Founders