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Faculty Directory

Frank Hodge
Office: 303A
Dempsey Hall
Phone: 206-616-8598
Fax: 206-685-1561

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3200

Prospecting involves sifting through a lot of rocks in hopes of finding a nugget of gold. Financial information from the Internet should be processed in a similar manner.

Frank Hodge

Professor of Accounting
Orin & Janet Smith Dean


PhD Indiana University (2000)
MBA Indiana University (1996)
BA Carroll College (1988)

Academic Expertise

financial accounting

Current Research

How individuals make investment decisions using accounting information, Financial disclosure issues and their impact on investors’ decision-making processes

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2000
Doctoral Student and Associate Instructor at Indiana University, 1994-2000
U.S. Representative for Namera Trading Company, 1991–1994
Quality Control Manager for Pacific Lumber & Shipping Company, 1988–1991

Selected Publications

  1. How Disclosure Medium Affects Investor Reactions to CEO Bragging, Modesty, and Humblebragging
    Journal Article:Grant, S., F. Hodge, and R. Sinha, (2018). Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 68-69, pp. 118-134.
  2. Investor Behavior and the Benefits of Direct Stock Ownership
    Journal Article:Bernard, D., N. Cade, and F. Hodge, (2018). Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 56(2), pp. 431-466.
  3. Investor Reaction to $Firm or #CEO Use of Social Media for Negative Disclosures
    Journal Article:Elliott, B., S. Grant, and F. Hodge, (forthcoming). Journal of Accounting Research,
  4. Does Coordinated Presentation Help Credit Analysts Identify Firm Characteristics
    Journal Article:Bloomfield, R., Hodge, F., Hopkins, P. and Rennekamp, K., (2015). Contemporary Accounting Research,
  5. Does Voluntary Adoption of a Clawback Provision Improve Financial Reporting Quality?
    Journal Article:deHaan, E., Hodge, F. and Shevlin, T., (2013). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 30(3), pp. 1027-1062.
  6. Using Online Video to Announce a Restatement: Influences on Investment Decisions and the Mediating Role of Trust
    Journal Article:Elliott, B., Hodge, F., and Sedor, L., (2012). The Accounting Review, Vol. 87(2), pp. 513-535.
  7. The Effects of Financial Statement Information Proximity and Feedback on Cash Flow Forecasts
    Journal Article:Hodge, F., Hopkins, P., and Wood, D., (2010). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 27(1), pp. 101-133.
  8. Finances and College Athletics
    Journal Article:Hodge, F. and Tanlu, L., (2009). New Directions for Institutional Research, Vol. 2009(144), pp. 7-18.
  9. Do Managers Value Stock Options and Restricted Stock Consistent with Economic Theory?
    Journal Article:Hodge, F., Rajgopal, S. and Shevlin, T., (2009). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 26(3), pp. 899-932.
  10. “The Association Between Non-Professional Investors’ Information Choices and Portfolio Returns: The Importance of Investing Experience
    Journal Article:Elliott, W., Hodge, F., and Jackson, K., (2008). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 25(2), pp. 473-498.
  11. Are MBA students a Good Proxy for Non-Professional Investors?
    Journal Article:Elliott, B., Hodge, F., Kennedy, J., and Pronk, M., (2007). The Accounting Review, Vol. 82(1), pp. 139-168.
  12. Top Management Team Prestige and Organizational Legitimacy: An Examination of Investor Perceptions
    Journal Article:Certo, T., and Hodge, F., (2007). Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. 19(4), pp. 461-477.
  13. The Impact of Expertise and Investment Familiarity on Investors’ Use of Online Financial Report Information
    Journal Article:Hodge, F., and Pronk, M., (2006). Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol. 21(3), pp. 267-292.
  14. Audit Qualifications of Income-Decreasing Accounting Changes
    Journal Article:Hodge, F., Martin, R., and Pratt, J., (2006). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 23(2), pp. 369-394.
  15. Management Reporting Incentives and Classification Credibility: The Effects of Reporting Discretion and Reputation
    Journal Article:Hodge, F., Hopkins, P., and Pratt, J., (2006). Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 31(7), pp. 623-634.
  16. The Evolution of Stock Option Accounting: Disclosure, Voluntary Recognition, Mandated Recognition and Management Disavowals
    Journal Article:Frederickson, J., Hodge, F., and Pratt, J., (2006). The Accounting Review, Vol. 81(5), pp. 1073-1093.
  17. Does Search-facilitating Technology Improve the Transparency of Financial Reporting?
    Journal Article:Hodge, F., Kennedy, J., and Maines, L., (2004). The Accounting Review, Vol. 79(3), pp. 687-703.
  18. Investors’ Perception of Earnings Quality, Auditor Independence, and the Usefulness of Audited Financial Information
    Journal Article:Hodge, F., (2003). Accounting Horizons, Vol. Supplement, pp. 37-48.
  19. Hyperlinking Unaudited Information to Audited Financial Statements: Effects on Investor Judgments
    Journal Article:Hodge, F., (2001). The Accounting Review, Vol. 76(4), pp. 675-691.

Working Papers

“The Effect of Humanizing Robo-Advisors on Investor Judgments” with Kimberly Mendoza and Roshan Sinha.
“Offshoring and Audit Reviewer Effectiveness,” with Kim Ikuta
“Do Compensation Clawback and Holdback Provisions Change Executive Reporting Decisions,” with Amanda Winn
“How Suspicions of the Method of Earnings Management and its Underlying Motive Affect Investors Trust in Management and Willingness to Invest in the Firm,” with Max Hewitt and Jamie Pratt

Honors and Awards

Hybrid MBA Teaching Award, 2017
Full-time MBA Professor of the Year, 2015
PACCAR Award for Teaching Excellence, 2014
Charles E. Summer Outstanding Teaching Award, 2014
PhD Faculty Mentor Award, 2014
Daniel R. Siegel Service Award (2014
Technology Management MBA Excellence in Teaching Award, 2010, 2011, 2012, & 2013
Dean's Award for Graduate Teaching, 2012
Wells Fargo Faculty Award for Undergraduate Teaching, 2010
William A. and Helen I. Fowler Endowment for Special Achievement in Accounting, 2008
Dean's Faculty Research Award, 2007
Appointed to the Financial Accounting Standards Research Initiative, 2007
Dean's Junior Faculty Research Award, 2006

Academic Service

Seattle Children's Hospital Audit Committee
Advisory Committee to the President on Intercollegiate Athletics
Editorial Boards: The Accounting Review; Accounting, Organizations & Society; Contemporary Accounting Research