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Faculty Directory

Phone: 206-543-4369

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353200
Seattle, WA 98195-3200

The opportunity exists for any business to continuously lead its customers and thereby avoid having to compete on a price basis. Judging by their behavior, however, relatively few businesses understand this fact.

John Narver

Professor Emeritus of Marketing


PhD University of California, Berkeley (1965)
MBA University of California, Berkeley (1960)
BS Oregon State University (1957)

Current Research

Creating a customer-focused organization, Integrating organizational learning and customer orientation, Analysis of market orientation and performance

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1966
Assistant professor at the University of British Columbia, 1964-1966
Business-to-business marketing at the Boise Cascade Corporation, 1960-1961

Selected Publications

  1. Creating a Market Orientation
    Journal Article:Narver, J.C., Slater, S.F., & Tietje, B., (1998). Journal of Market-Focused Management, Vol. 2,
  2. Customer-Led and Market-Oriented: Let’s Not Confuse the Two
    Journal Article:Slater, S.F., & Narver, J., (1998). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 19,
  3. Market Orientation and the Learning Organization
    Journal Article:Narver, J.C., (1995). Journal of Marketing,
  4. Does Competitive Environment Moderate the Market Orientation-Performance Relationship?
    Journal Article:Narver, J.C., (1994). Journal of Marketing,
  5. The Effect of Market Orientation on Business Profitability
    Journal Article:Narver, J.C., (1990). Journal of Marketing,
  6. The Marketing Economy: An Analytical Approach
    Book:Narver, J.C., Savitt, R.,, (1971). Holt, Rinehart and Winston
  7. The Marketing Economy: An Analytical Approach
    Book: (1971).
  8. Conglomerate Mergers and Market Competition
    Book:Narver, J.C., (1967). University of California Press


U.S. WEST, Weyerhaeuser, PlumCreek Timber Company, and Weldwood of Canada, creating a customer-focused organization

Honors and Awards

MBA Professor of the Year, 1993
Best Paper Award from Marketing Science Institute, 1996
Fulbright Fellowship, 1980
Listed in Who's Who in America

Academic Service

Director of the Center for Retail and Business Market Strategy, 1988-1995
Chairman of the Department of Marketing and International Business, 1974-1978, & 1982-1983