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The Department of Information Systems & Operations Management (ISOM) offers courses in three distinct, yet integrated curriculum areas: information systems, operations management, and quantitative methods.

Undergrad Students

Upon obtaining admission to the UW Foster School of Business undergraduates may request the Information Systems (IS) formal option and/or the Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) formal option. They may also take a variety of electives in each area such as systems analysis, logistics, or special problems in quantitative analysis. Course information can be found on the ISOM Undergraduate Curriculum page.

MBA Students

MBA students may choose from a wide variety of electives such as application programming, global trade, and data modeling. Course information can be found on the ISOM MBA Curriculum page.

MSIS Students

The MSIS Program is a one year accelerated degree program with classes offered weeknights and some Saturdays. The program provides the tools to bridge the gap between business and technology. Students graduating with an IS Option are fully prepared to apply. See the program website.

MSCM Students

The Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM) degree program offered at the Michael G. Foster School of Business is designed to address the need locally, nationally, and internationally for successful supply chain managers. For more information visit the program website.

PhD Students

PhD students can specialize in Information Systems or Operations Management, and take electives in Quantitative Methods. Electives in special topics include mathematical programming and stochastic models. In addition, they can take advantage of doctoral seminars and independent study/research. For more information, consult the UW Foster School of Business PhD Program.