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Faculty Directory

William L. Wells
Phone: 206-543-7694

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3200

You've got to know accounting to survive in the real world.

William L. Wells

Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus of Accounting


MPAcc University of Washington (1989)
MBA Syracuse University (1973)
BA University of California, Berkeley (1962)

Academic Expertise

financial accounting
government / nonprofit accounting

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1989
Rigos Professional Education Programs, Ltd., Seattle, WA, 1992-2004
Executive Director of Davis Wright and Jones, Seattle, WA, 1986-1987
Director of Administration at Arthur Young and Company, San Francisco, CA, 1983-1986
Office Administratior at Spence Fain, Britt and Browne, Kansas City, MO, 1982-1983
Comptroller, Financial Analyst and Military Intelligence Officer, U.S. Army, 1976-1982
Lecturer, University of Maryland and Boston University, SHAPE and Brussels, Belgium, 1978-1980
Combat and counterintelligence for U.S. Army, 1962-1976


Seattle-based law firm, analyzed accounting methods and recommended improvements

Honors and Awards

Accounting Professor of the Year, 2012-2013
Washington Society of CPAs Special Award - Promoting the value of the profession, 2012
2010 Ernst & Young Inclusive Excellence Award for Accounting and Business School Faculty
Undergraduate Professor of the Quarter for Accounting for Winter, 2009
Panhellenic Association Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007, & 2008
James Jiambalvo Award in honor of eight years of excellence to Beta Alpha Psi, 2008
Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Washington, 2006
Mortar Board Excellence in Teaching Award-awarded, University of Washington, 2004
Wells Fargo/Dean's Faculty Award for Undergraduate Teaching, 2004
Outstanding business educator at the sophomore level, 1997, 1999, & 2000-2004
Alpha Kappa Psi Business Professor of the Year, 1994
Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Professor of the Year, 1995
Outstanding Contribution to Education in Accounting, 1997, & 1999

Academic Service

Board Member, Washington CPA Foundation 2013-2015
Member, Board of Directors, Washington Society of CPAs, 2009-2012
Regional Director, Beta Alpha Psi, 2005-2008
Faculty advisor to Beta Alpha Psi, 2000-2005